Minutes of the Board of Education #42R - Policy Hearings & Regular Meeting - 7/10/2023
The Osmond Board of Education met at 7:51 pm on Monday, July 10, 2023 in the school library.
It was moved by Rice, seconded by Krohn, that it is hereby determined that this meeting was preceded by publicized notice in the July 5, 2023 issue of the Osmond Republican and is hereby declared to be duly convened in open session. All members having voted in favor of the motion, the same was declared passed and adopted and the following proceedings were had and done at said meeting in open session. A copy of the open meetings act was posted in the building. For: 5 Against: 0
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
The hearing for Policy 5018 – Parent and Guardian Involvement in Education Practices was opened at 7:52 pm and adjourned at 7:53 pm.
The hearing for Policy 5045 – Student Fees was opened at 7:53 pm and adjourned at 7:56 pm.
The hearing for Policy 5057 – District Title I Parent and Family Engagement was opened at 7:57 pm and adjourned at 7:58 pm.
I, the undersigned Recording Secretary of the Osmond Board of Education, Osmond, Nebraska, hereby certify, that the attached and foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of a meeting of the Osmond Board of Education, Osmond, Nebraska, held in open session on the 10th day of July 2023 which meeting was preceded by publicized notice. Margaret Ryan, Recording Secretary
The Osmond Board of Education regular meeting commenced at 7:58 pm.
Member Reikofski arrived at 7:59 pm.
Patron Input: None.
It was moved by Gansebom, seconded by Koehler, to adopt the consent agenda as presented. For: 6 Against: 0
President Moes recognized guests in attendance as Paige & Gene Kumm.
Principal Polt reported on: 1) confirmation of the new 5th grade teacher being Jaci Kumm; 2) new student registration and current student drop/add scheduled for Aug. 3rd; 3) teacher in-service workdays scheduled for Aug. 10, 11 & 14; 4) first day of school on Aug. 15th; 5) elementary open house on Aug. 14th; 6) Chromebook meeting and check-out scheduled for Aug 14th; 7) recent MTSS and PBIS trainings; 8) new paras for the 23/24 school year; 9) provided a football program update; 10) noted OCS will have an exchange student from Spain for the upcoming school year; and 11) provided 23/24 handbooks and the staff pre-service schedule for board review.
Superintendent Bremer reported on: 1) the new insurance premium; 2) NDE Accreditation for the 2023/2024 school year; 3) updated signature cards at Security Bank; 4) outlined the upcoming industry meetings he’ll be attending; and 5) provided an update on current concrete, HVAC and room controls work.
Board Comments: 1) President Moes welcomed Superintendent Bremer to OCS, with this being his first official board meeting; 2) provided an update on the maintenance needed on the school trailer; 3) noted the Aug. 21st board retreat at 6:00 pm; and 4) asked about new shirts for the school board; 5) member Rice updated the board on the current progress of the daycare committee, noting the next community meeting will be on Aug. 7th at 7:00 pm at the City Hall, with a tentative committee meeting scheduled for Aug. 1st at 7:00 pm; 6) board members discussed various scenarios and deadlines regarding daycare needs.
Old Business: None
New Business: It was moved by Reikofski, seconded by Rice, that the Osmond Board of Education has reviewed the district’s ‘Return to Learn” plan and finds the information contained within to be in accordance with CDC and local health agency guidelines.
For: 6 Against: 0
The minutes of the meeting were read.
The meeting was adjourned the meeting at 9:29 pm.
Notice is hereby given that the next regular meeting of the Osmond Board of Education will be on Monday, Aug. 14, 2023 at 8:00 pm at the school. An agenda is kept continually current and is available for public inspection in the Superintendent’s office during regular office hours.
I, the undersigned Recording Secretary of the Osmond Board of Education, Osmond, Nebraska, hereby certify, that the attached and foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of a meeting of the Osmond Board of Education, Osmond, Nebraska, held in open session on the 10th day of July 2023 which meeting was preceded by publicized notice. --Margaret Ryan, Recording Secretary