Minutes of the Board of Education #42R - Regular Meeting - 10/09/23
The Osmond Board of Education met at 8:02 pm, Monday, October 9, 2023, in the multi-purpose room at Osmond Community Schools, located at 202 W. Prairie St., Osmond, NE.
It was moved by Gansebom, seconded by Rice, that it is hereby determined that this meeting was preceded by publicized notice in the October 4, 2023 issue of the Osmond Republican and is hereby declared to be duly convened in open session. All members having voted in favor of the motion, the same was declared, passed and adopted and the following proceedings were had and done at said meeting in open session. A copy of the open meetings act was posted in the building.
For: 6 Against: 0
The school purpose statement was read.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
A motion was made by Reikofski, seconded by Krohn to approve the meeting Agenda as presented.
For: 6 Against: 0
Celebration of Excellence: Superintendent Bremer presented 2023 Homecoming highlights.
Public Comment: President Moes recognized City Councilman Doug Schmit as an invited guest, with Mr. Schmit noting that the City Council is always open to working together with the school board and the council is in favor of keeping the lines of communication open.
It was moved by Gansebom, seconded by Koehler, to approve the financial reports as presented.
For: 6 Against: 0
Principal Polt reported on: 1) parent-teacher conferences; 2) end of the first quarter; 3) report cards; 4) honors breakfast scheduled for Oct. 26th; 5) fall break scheduled for Oct. 13th; 6) a teacher in-service scheduled for Nov. 1st regarding the Student Success Team process; 7) noted Mrs. Harrison plans to attend the November board meeting to provide an update on the new school website design; 8) reported on the end of JV football season; 9) provided a report on the NSAA recognizing Anna Kahny as a “Believers & Achievers” program finalist, offering congratulations to Anna for this honor; 9) presented two prepared statements from football parents regarding the proposed coop with Wausa school; and 10) addressed the board about the future of the FFA farming plot.
Athletic Director Guenther reported on: 1) date change for cross country districts; 2) volleyball conference seeding and sub-districts; 3) academic contest; 4) one acts program and schedule; 5) conference vocal clinic; 6) congratulated the marching band for their 2nd place finish in Class D at the Harvest of Harmony parade in Grand Island; 7) noted the band will march on Oct. 14th at March to the Meridian in Yankton.
Superintendent Bremer reported on: 1) the NASB conference; 2) annual school financial audit; 3) Rule 10 safety audit; 4) the ‘Dollar and Energy Savings Loan’; 4) unified bowling; 5) scheduling Committee on American Civics meetings; 6) collective bargaining; 7) reviewed the annual Emergency Safety Plan; 8) provided updates on NDE reports; and 9) a possible NASB staff workshop on staff well-being.
Board Comments: 1) The board spoke about setting board goals, with a board workshop scheduled for Wed, November 29th at 5:30 pm; 2) President Moes suggested possibly having a student council junior board member in the future, based on an NASB program; 3) Rice provided a daycare committee update; 4) Gansebom noted it was good of Paige Kumm to step up and take over the local daycare and also addressed the progress of the community sign with the city.
It was moved by Gansebom, seconded by Reikofski, to approve the consent agenda as presented.
For: 6 Against: 0
Discussion / Information Items: 1) The board further discussed the possible cooperative with Wausa Public School, noting there will be a committee meeting on Oct. 18th, with the vote taking place on Oct. 26th; 2) a board member from Wausa was in attendance and thanked the board for their work, noting they look forward to further communication; 3) guest John Aschoff inquired about what school programs would initially be part of the cooperative if approved.
Action Items: It was moved by Krohn, seconded by Koehler, to approve the service agreement with Trane in the amount of $7,627.00 for HVAC service for one year.
For: 6 Against: 0
The minutes of the meeting were read.
The board worked on the Superintendent evaluation.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 pm.
Notice is hereby given that the next regular meeting of the Osmond Board of Education will be on Monday, Nov. 13, 2023 at 7:00 pm at the school. An agenda is kept continually current and is available for public inspection in the Superintendent’s office during regular office hours.
I, the undersigned Recording Secretary of the Osmond Board of Education, Osmond, Nebraska, hereby certify, that the attached and foregoing minutes is a true and correct copy of a meeting of the Osmond Board of Education, Osmond, Nebraska, held in open session on the 9th day of October 2023, which meeting was preceded by publicized notice. Margaret Ryan, Recording Secretary